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Critical illness

Return or premium option

We can help you prepare for the financial impact of a life-altering illness.


Who is this for?

Thanks to advancements in medicine, people today are often expected to survive a life-altering critical illness. But how would you and your family handle the financial impact of such an illness?

By incorporating critical illness insurance into your financial security plan, you may be able to maintain your family’s lifestyle while you recover from a covered condition, including life-threatening cancer, heart attack and stroke. Having a plan in place means that, if you’re faced with a severe illness, you can focus on your recovery.


How will this help me?

It’s simple: Critical illness insurance can provide you with a lump sum tax-free payment in the event that you develop a covered critical illness. This may be particularly important if you’re one of your household’s primary income earners and have dependents, such as children or elderly parents.

If you have critical illness insurance and become ill with a covered condition – and you meet the survival period requirement – you’ll receive a tax-free lump sum cash payment you can use however you want. Pay for in-home medical assistance, access private or out-of-country treatment, cover the cost of medications and medical devices, put money towards the mortgage or take time away with your family to recuperate – it’s up to you.

Money back if you don't make a claim

The return of premium option on critical illness insurance allows you to receive up to 100% of your premiums back if you never make a claim.

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