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4 concerns in investing in the S&P 500 only

For anyone who tells you to invest in the S&P 500 only, here are four concerns I have as a financial advisor. If my clients came to me wanting to do that, this is a chart of different indexes worldwide, and this dark blue is the S&P 500. You can see it's always been in the top five over the past 10 years, but it's never always consistently on top. There's only one year it is on top, and that's 2019. My second concern is that it's really easy giving financial advice looking backwards in time and then forwards in time. This is consistently on top but will that continue? My concern is this is the S&P 500. Compared to other indexes, this channel might not happen forever, so that means the S&P 500 might taper off, or these will be better options over time. Finally, diversification. Diversification, to me, is way more important on the sell than it will ever be on the buy; if you wanted to sell in 2018, your bond portfolio would be the best option, not the s p 500, and as you can see, every single year you might have better options to sell than the s p 500 if you only invest in that one sector I don't feel you're diversified enough if you want to review your portfolio you can contact me.


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