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Are NFTs looking a little bubbly?

Hello, you crypto noobs. I'm one too. Now, we have all made some mistakes when it comes to investing in crypto for the first time, and the one thing we need to do when we make a mistake is to learn from it; how have we learned from our mistakes,

I find that a lot of attention has come from crypto now people are talking about nfts, and I feel like people are going to make similar mistakes let me know if these two videos look a little similar to what we have seen before about crypto I think I just found the next 100x nft project those sound pretty familiar, don't they? Just remember, if something can go up 100 overnight, it can go down 100 overnight I have a lot of faith in nfts, but these little portrait projects coming out, I feel a lot of them are just going to be obsolete over time the nft market needs to develop before we all start collecting the actual wealth with actual collectibles I'm just trying to learn this industry out as well let me know your comments what will be a good project in the future and what are you excited for.


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