There are companies out there so desperate to lend you money they're willing to lie to you in their advertisements. Don't believe me let's take a look. It is my goal to help you build your net worth within every interaction. Advertisement; look into loans, and here's why it's not like other banks or loan companies because you don't get taken advantage of by excessive interest. Excessive interest? Let's take a look at the small print on page one, 29.9% to 46.9%. I could do video after video about these garbage companies. Can you name me a bank that starts off with an interest rate of 29.9 percent? These are an absolute rip-off. I have never in my life have paid more than 10 interest on anything. There's a reason why some people grow their net worth over time, and some people continually get into debt; interest rates like that are a trap. Stay away if you enjoy this content; please consider like share and subscribe
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